Danny Kellum, LPC is a faith-based counselor in the Tri-Cities who counsels couples and individuals with a variety of issues and concerns. Conveniently located and handicap accessible, Danny Kellum, LPC provides a welcoming space for clients as they address cognitive, relationship, or emotional challenges. New clients experiencing depression, grief, spiritual issues, and more can call to schedule their first appointment. Couples who desire marital or pre-marital counseling can also call or contact the office to schedule an appointment.
Danny Kellum, LPC offers flexible scheduling options and an easy-to-find office. Give the office a call or send a message through the contact form to be contacted to complete a brief phone intake before scheduling your first appointment. If you have any questions about concerns or issues that you are facing, contact him to discuss if he is the best fit for your needs.
About Danny
Danny Kellum is a faith-based counselor who believes in the power of faith as the foundation supporting other modalities of healing. His experience includes intensive in- home therapy and 20 years of experience providing individual child, adult, and couples counseling in a private setting. He has been married for 30 years and is the proud father of two adult sons. He is a member of the American Counseling Association.
Danny Kellum LPC
2722 East Oakland Ave
Johnson City, TN 37601
Phone: (423) 712-2001, ext 100
Fax: (423) 712-2011